Friday 7 March 2014

" Enter through the narrow gate..."

Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

I have been contemplating starting a blog for more than a year now, and I will admit that the number one reason I have not done so until now is FEAR. Fear that no one would read it, fear that people wouldn't like what I have to say but most of all, the fear of exposing myself. I have feared that people would get to see how messed up I am. That despite being a Christian, I am not as "together" and "holier than thou" as people seem to think Christianity is all about. One of my biggest prayers this year is that my life become a "talking testimony" if I may call it that. That my experiences, successes, failures and fears may be made apparent to the world, not that I may get attention or that people can see ME, but so that they can see the GOD that is doing His work within me. So as much as starting this blog freaks me out, if wearing my heart on my sleeve is the next step I have to take in allowing God to continue making me more like Him then I am prepared to do so.

And so, "Entering through the narrow gate" seemed like such a fitting title because it accurately describes the place I am in right now and the things I am striving for. I'm 22 years old and somewhere between the transition from being a girl to becoming a virtuous woman. In a world that tries so hard to mould us, I choose to walk through this life with Christ as my example. Oddly enough this has made me more "weird" than "normal" in the eyes of many... yet everyday I strive toward the goal. I hope that this blog and the experiences and thoughts that I share will show just how imperfect everyone (including Christians), really are. And to show that as I try to navigate this life, I encounter the same highs and lows, temptations and victories that many "normal" people do. So here's to entering through the narrow gate, and to all the things I will encounter along the way. As I strive to place my hand in that of God's everyday, I know that He will never let me stray.

*Remember you are loved!*

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